











(1) 個人情報の訂正等 (訂正、追加もしくは削除または利用の停止もしくは第三者への提供停止)

(2) 利用目的の通知


(3) 個人情報の取り扱いに関するご連絡等

Handling of Privacy Information

1. Purpose for the Use of the Privacy Information Obtained
We, Yokohamaken Corporation (the company), will follow the regulations and rules established
under the Privacy Information Protection Law, Principle of Privacy Information Protection Law,
and other rules and regulations which apply.

2. Tendering Privacy Information to Third-Parties
We, (the company), will not tender the privacy information to third-parties unless the following
conditions are met.
 (1) when your (the customer’s) consent in writing is received.
 (2) when we, (the company), entrust its affiliates and, or, assigns to handle the privacy
information in order to accomplish the purpose of the use.
 (3) in cases of being requested by laws and ordinances.

3. Release of the Privacy Information
We, (the company), will respond without delay, in cases when requested by you (the customer), or
by your representatives for the release, change, or deletion of the privacy information.

4. Use of the Privacy Information
Except for the following cases, the privacy information we, (the company), obtained may be used
by us not only for each service or business purpose within the scope of its necessity, but for service
and business mutually.
・in cases of obtaining a written consent from you (the customer).
・in cases of laws and ordinances.
・in cases of unable to obtain your (the customer’s) consent in writing for protection of human
life, physical well-being, or estate of others.
・in cases of unable to obtain your (the customer’s) written consent especially for the improvement and betterments of public health, or juvenile health and growth.
・in cases of necessary cooperation being requested by the national government body, local
public body, or their entrusted body, in order to conduct business under the laws and ordinances; yet, it may cause interference with its progress of the subject business due to your
(the customer’s) written consent given to us.
5. Inquiry for other Privacy Information
 (1) Correction of the privacy information (correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of the use, or suspension of release to third-parties).
We, (the company), will investigate if we receive the request from you or your representatives to correct the subject's privacy information. As the result of the investigation, if the subject privacy information is incorrect, time being expired, or, the mishandling of the information, we, (the company), will make necessary corrections.
 (2) Notification for the Purpose of Use
We, (the company), will notify you upon receipt of the request from you or your representatives
for the use of the privacy information; except for the following conditions.
・in cases of being evident that the purpose of use of the privacy information is identifiable by
the subject persons.
・in cases of harmful situations to the subject persons, or third-parties stemming from life,
physical well-being, estate, or other rights and interests.
・in cases of harmful situations to our (the company’s) rights, and lawful interests.
・in cases of necessary cooperation required by the national government body, or local public
body, in order for them to conduct their business under the laws and ordinances.
・in cases of harmful situations to conduct our subject business.
 (3) Contract for Handling the Privacy Information, etc.
We, (the company), will comply with the requests for use, tender, release, or correction, etc… of
the privacy information in a timely and prompt manner.